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Classified Ads
Posted by flyingkamakiri
1/27/2014  8:49:00 PM
Would it be possible for someone to get rid of some of these weird advertisements posted in the Ads sections. I keep seeing stuff for quick money making and pyramid schemes to ads that have NOTHING to do with dance. At least maybe a feature to Flag some users for putting this type of stuff up. Also, Is there a possibility for a search function to be added to the Ads as well? It's been like this for years and I think it needs an update. There are some Ads that have been up there for a pretty long time. How about at least a reminder email to some of the users who have Ads up. I've contacted like 3 users already and they already sold their items but kept their ads up. Can something be done about this?
Re: Classified Ads
Posted by Seraphina.13
1/28/2014  6:28:00 AM
Here, here .... I second the motion! Many times I've found myself wading through pages and pages of no longer relevant ads, wishing there was a page-select feature. Another helpful feature would be to have the posting date indicated.
Re: Classified Ads
Posted by ballroomchick
1/28/2014  10:50:00 AM
Oh I totally agree with this. There are so many pages and much of it is garbage advertisements. I would so like to be able to search for dresses by size.
Re: Classified Ads
Posted by flyingkamakiri
1/29/2014  4:13:00 PM
How would you sort them? What kind of size? Like S/M/L or like inches or centimeters?

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